Cultural Cornerstones: Supporting the creative voice in crisis affected communities

Roma Gypsies in Shutka, Macedonia

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Accordion Refugee Song


This song was recorded with a father, on accordion, and his son, as the singer, in the camp of Roma refugees who were forced, by Albanians, to leave their homes and flee to neighboring Macedonia. The song describes the process of displacement:

From the Albanians, we ran
To save our souls
We have nowhere no to go
Without our homes

For more information on the situation of Rom in Kosovo visit the Voice of Roma.

Photo Caption: Thousands of Roma were forced to flee their homes after Albanians returned to Kosovo following NATO’s bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999. Their lives were threatened and houses systematically burned in a campaign of ethnic cleansing. This photo is of a Rom families destroyed home in the town of Obilic, Kosovo, Spring 2000.

Roma Music Stories